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Tell Governor Hochul: Sign the LOADinG Act (S. 7543-B Gonzalez/A. 9430-B Otis)

Governor Hochul can make New York a leader in protecting the public and its workers by signing the LOADinG Act (S. 7543-B Gonzalez/A. 9430-B Otis).

The use of AI with proper oversight, accountability, and public input can be positive and help improve the delivery of public services but it must not reduce or eliminate jobs and its applications must not have biased or discriminatory outcomes. This bill creates a commonsense oversight and accountability mechanism to ensure the proper use of AI.

Please take action and send a letter today!

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The gender wage gap leads to a loss of nearly $400,000 over the course of a working woman’s career. For women of color, that loss is even steeper.

Read that again: $400,000.

The Paycheck Fairness Act would help close the wage gap in a few different ways by:

  • Making it unlawful to prohibit employees from talking about their wages.
  • Increasing penalties for violating the equal pay provision.
  • Directing the Department of Labor to provide trainings for negotiating compensation and working conditions.

It’s time. Women should get equal pay for equal work.

If you agree, take two minutes to call your senators and representative. Tell them to vote YES on the Paycheck Fairness Act.


Fix Tier 6 to Protect Our Public Services

Staffing shortages in the public sector are at crisis levels because Tier 6 has become an impediment to recruitment and retention. Ask your legislators to fix the Tier 6 public pension system in the 2024-25 State Budget.


Stand Up for Good Broadband Jobs!

We need your help! New York State is about to submit its plan to the Federal Government to spend nearly $1 BILLION on broadband deployment and we need to make sure our recommendations are included in the plan. With big funding dollars comes out of state, fly-by-night contractors looking to make a quick buck with cheap labor, and we need to make sure the work goes to highly-trained, unionized broadband technicians - us!

Sign the petition now!

New York is Union Strong because we are united. We share common values and interests, and we care about each other. One of the most important ways we can grow stronger as a movement is to talk with one another.  

We're making this summer a Hot Union Summer by having those conversations with members in every corner of the state. We want to hear from everyone about what they think our priorities should be as a movement, and what they think our state and federal elected officials should prioritize.

The survey is available online for any union member to take. Make sure your voice is heard!

Support from union members like you is critical to the success of this campaign. Area Labor Federations and Central Labor Councils will be organizing walks around the state to survey members. Can you help by joining a walk? Click the button below to find a walk near you. Check back often for new walks!

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Tell your Suffolk Lawmakers to Support Water Quality

Our groundwater and coastal resiliency is in dire need of investment. Sign this petition today and demand that our elected officials give the voters the right to decide the future of our region's water quality this November.

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