About Us
The 250,000 member Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, represents a wide range of union workers from teachers to technicians, public employees to painters, bus drivers to bricklayers, retail, auto, janitorial, utility, health care and construction workers. The Federation is the voice for the Long Island labor movement. It speaks on behalf of Long Island’s working families and its affiliated local unions to political leaders and legislative bodies at every level of government. The Long Island Federation of Labor supports the legislative and political programs of the National AFL-CIO and the New York State AFL-CIO.
The Long Island Federation of labor is charged with communicating various issues to its affiliated local unions. The Federation helps to mobilize members when needed and supports unions during organizing drives. The Federation helps to put together rallies, picket lines and often comes to the aid of local unions fighting for a contract. The Long Island Federation of Labor also participates in community-based services projects and helps to coordinate volunteers for local union charity drives.
Over 160 AFL-CIO unions are affiliated with the Federation and 41 different unions and locals sit on the Executive Board, including the Building and Construction Trades Council of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Delegate meetings are held six times a year. The Executive Board meets monthly. The local unions Political Coordinators meet regularly to advise the Federation on their specific concerns and to interview candidates for elected office. We build power through mobilization, politics, communication, research and media relations. We magnify our strength through our relationships in the community.