Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO Endorsement of John Avlon for Congress

Voting is a serious obligation we all share as citizens. Who we elect makes a big difference in the lives of everyday people. Since the launch of John Avlon’s campaign for Congress, it has been clear to us that he is laser focused on building back the middle class and building back the middle of our politics. His values have been on full display, and the policies he supports are fundamentally aligned with the union movement and the people we represent.
The affordability crisis on Long Island is real, and we need our members of Congress focused on delivering real relief. In the recent NewsdayTV debate when Avlon was asked about the affordability crisis he offered real solutions rather than empty rhetoric. He talked about making childcare more affordable. Specifically, he referenced restoring the enhanced child tax credit, which lifted nearly 3 million children out of poverty. It expired under his opponents watch. Avlon is committed to restoring the enhanced child tax credit. In real dollars this means $3,600 per child for families with children under 6 and $3,000 per child per year for kids 6 and older. For working families, this is money back in your pocket.
Avlon also reminded us that Donald Trump and the Republicans raised our taxes when they did away with the State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT.) In the very same piece of legislation, they made permanent tax deductions for CEO’s and corporations, allowing them to offshore operations and write off the expenses. It created incentives to offshore our jobs. They raised our taxes and shipped American jobs overseas. Teachers who could once write off schools supplies when they spent their salaries to support their students would at least get a tax break. Now, they can no longer write off those expenses.
The union movement on Long Island is made up of nearly three hundred thousand members. We’re one big family. We don’t agree on everything, and that’s to be expected. However, we all agree on the core values that make us Union Strong. Every worker is entitled to safe working conditions. Every worker’s right to organize should be protected, and they deserve a voice on the job. And, we agree that workers are owed a fair wage for a hard day’s work. John Avlon has been steadfast on these issues and deserves our support. He has campaigned with a focus on what unites us rather than what divides us. We are all in on the fight to deliver a better life for working people, and we’ve heard enough and seen enough to know that John Avlon is with us.
He has committed to supporting the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act and long standing prevailing wage protections, which prevent outsiders from under cutting local workers, a position that stands in stark contrast to his opponents anti-union voting record. The incumbent has a 10% rating from the AFL-CIO after his term in congress, which means he voted against working people at a rate of 90%. Long Island has a rich history of bipartisanship. Rather than carry on that tradition Representative Lalota worked to kill the bipartisan border security bill. Furthermore, he is the least bi-partisan member of Congress currently serving Long Island according to the Lugar Center, an institution he often references to tout his alleged bipartisan approach. We deserve better.
The Long Island Federation of Labor’s endorsement of John Avlon is rooted in our belief that he will be a champion for the working people of Long Island. His commitment to supporting union rights, fostering job growth, and investing in a sustainable future sets him apart as the candidate best equipped to lead our community. We believe he is the right person to represent the working people of New York’s 1st Congressional District.