Happy Labor Day Long Island

A Message from the Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
As we enter Labor Day weekend, we are reminded of the sacrifices made by the workers who came before us. They fought for the fundamental rights and workplace safety measures we take for granted today: a 40-hour workweek, a living wage, and a voice on the job. They created a safer, and a more equitable workplace. For our union movement that work continues. We fight to balance the scales of economic and social justice to ensure the system works for working people.
This year reminds us that workers hold tremendous power when we come together and wield it collectively. We can accomplish amazing things. We know this to be true, despite companies spending millions to prevent it. Consider the most recent contract secured by our brothers and sisters in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 804, who work for UPS, as exhibit A. The members of SAG-AFTRA, the Writers Guild of America, and the UAW are all presently exercising their rights as union members, and patriotic Americans, leading the charge for real change on behalf of everyday people.
The victory at UPS, and the others we are working toward, are made possible by the solidarity and support of working people across the country. When we all come together to support one common cause—fighting corporate greed and ensuring workers’ rights are protected—we win. Solidarity is a verb. When we join our family on the picket line and at rallies, we send a clear message, a fight with one of us is a fight with all of us.
What we accomplish today matters tomorrow. The actions taking place this summer are an homage to those who came before us, and an example for those still to come. We must continue to hold the line for what is right and deliver the fair and just future that workers deserve.
Every job in America has value, regardless of where you work or what you do. It’s working people who move the country forward. We are the drivers of the economy, and with each passing day, folks need to be reminded of the essential nature workers play in the day-to-day lives of our larger community.
On this Labor Day, we want all working people to remember that you are appreciated for the difference you make in the lives of the people you serve. Thank you for what you do every day and for being an indispensable part of our union movement!
Happy Labor Day to you and your family!
In Solidarity,
John R. Durso