Exercise Your Right to Vote

A Message from the Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
Good jobs, with decent pay and benefits, are the basis of a stable middle-class lifestyle. The Long Island Federation of Labor and New York State AFL-CIO have endorsed candidates who we feel share a common vision for working families and for the future of Long Island. We will do everything possible to elect the candidates who are committed to achieving that together.
Today is Election Day. Polls are open from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Voting is an act of patriotism and an obligation that should not be taken lightly. Who we elect and who will stand up for our members and families after Election Day makes a big difference in our lives. We hope you’ll take the time to focus on the issues that really matter to you and your family.
In Suffolk County, we are urging your support for Prop 2, the Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act. The passage of Prop 2 will ensure access to clean water for generations and create thousands of good-paying, family-sustaining jobs. Long Island is sustained by the drinking water we access from beneath our feet and the water that surrounds us. We swim, fish, and boat in our bays and harbors. We get our drinking water from the sole source aquifer beneath us, and must protect it. The Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act will safeguard our way of life, improve public health, and protect the waters we depend on.
In the 1st Congressional District, we have endorsed John Avlon. John is laser focused on building back the middle class and building back the middle of our politics. He is committed to restoring the State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT), lifting children out of poverty through the enhanced child tax credit, and passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. His commitment to supporting union rights, fostering job growth, and investing in a sustainable future sets him apart as the candidate best equipped to lead our community. We believe he is the right person to represent the working people of New York’s 1st Congressional District.
In the 16th Assembly District, we have endorsed Gina Sillitti. Gina currently serves on the Labor Committee of the New York State Assembly, and is a former card carrying member of our union movement. She has been a steadfast champion for working families, most recently advocating for and ultimately casting a vote in support of a SUNY Project Labor Agreement. Prior to being elected to the Assembly, she spent nearly 2 decades in public service. She has worked in Town, County, and State government devoting her career to serving her neighbors. She has long stepped up for us, and it’s our turn to step up for her.
To see a full list of our endorsements and find your polling location, please click here.