Local 338 Charity Golf Outing - September 21st

The event will take place on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at Harbor Links Golf Course in Port Washington. The last few years has been challenging for everyone, particularly essential workers, and as a result our organization has seen an increased need. We are incredibly proud of the work that we do each year and all money raised at this event will continue to support our many members assistance and community engagement programs.
Local 338 Charities, Inc.’s goal is to aid Local 338 members in need, including those affected by domestic violence, substance abuse, or displacement due to fire or natural disaster. Our organization supports the Local 338 Scholarship Program, which has given out thousands of scholarships to our members or the dependents of our members over the course of several decades. We understand that one of the best ways to support union members is through a holistic approach - by supporting the communities in which they live and work. Therefore, as an organization, we engage these areas by working closely with and donating to other charitable organizations throughout New York State.
Please join us in helping to make this year’s Local 338 Charities, Inc. Annual Golf Outing yet another success. There are numerous opportunities to contribute by pledging to secure one of the many sponsorships that are available, taking a foursome, purchasing a journal ad, or joining us as a guest at the dinner. Any amount will help Local 338 Charities provide both crucial and quality assistance for our essential members both on the job and outside of their workplace.

Download the invitation and sponsorship opportunities below.